Houndrace Community Update #3

5 min readJun 23, 2022


Let’s see what’s next for Houndrace👀

Hello Houndarce Community,

As we are heading into Summer, here are some updates about the project & community and also some electrifying news about our Testnet launch and the usability improvements of the game to keep you up to date moving into July.

During the last week we just hit 21K members on Discord so we would like to say thank YOU for staying with us in these turbulent times, we appreciate it a lot!🔥

Now what?

It’s time to party!🍾

This week

New Quiz Channel

Learn & have fun on our Discord!

Our first Houndrace Quiz Channel has just opened yesterday, so get your brains ready, read our Whitepaper, and Pitch Deck, look at our #official links channel for inspo, — and be prepared for the next quiz on !👀

It’s time to play!

And our next one is coming tomorrow!

❓Houndrace Quiz #2 — Tomorrow!❓

- Friday June 24

- 10 AM CET/ 13:30 PM IST

- Quizzes Channel

The time has come once again to cast yourselves into the Arena of Houndrace Quizzes, prepare you well earned knowledge and struggle to be the one immortal hero who emerges from the crowd and radiating glory, for all eternity to be recognised as the one true victor of the Houndrace Quiz #2

See ya there!

The Test Hound NFTs are constantly distributed to our most active Discord members!💥

Test NFT hounds at the my hounds section

How to apply for access the Houndrace testnet?

  1. Open a support ticket on discord and add your ERC-20 wallet address, so we can send your test NFTs and test Ether. Once you do submit your wallet address, please be patient, and we’ll have further updates for you in few hours!
  2. You will also recieve a Houndrace Tester Role, and will be invited to join the Houndrace tester channel on our server, and be active to achieve the special tester role!
  3. Visit the following link: https://app.houndrace.com/
  4. Log in with your Metamask to the game and choose the Rinkeby Test Network.

Level Up Contest on our Discord

Our Level Up Contest is still on, and we have some free spots left!👀

If you missed somehow, you can still join the ranks and become part of the Houndrace community. We are giving away free mints and whitelist spots for our most active users 🚀

The following prizes will apply:

🚀First 50 people to reach LVL 10 — will get 1 whitelist spot/each + participate in 1 raffle with $100 prize/raffle

🚀First 50 people to reach LVL 20 — will get 1 whitelist spot/each + participate in 2 raffles with 5 free mints/raffle

🚀First 100 people to reach LVL 30 — will get 1 whitelist spot/each + participate in 5 raffles with 5 free mints/raffle

🚀First 100 people to reach LVL 40 — will automatically get 1 free mint/each participate in 5 raffles with $100 prize/raffle

🚀First 100 people to reach LVL 50 — will automatically get 2 free mints/each + participate in 5 raffles with $100 prize/raffle

What’s next ?

Brand New Look

The team is currently working on the new UI/UX design and usability improvements for our game client, so the new version can be launched with a brand new look!

Check the sneak peaks below👀

3D Simulation of the Game

👀We are amazed by the involvement of our community in our alpha testing process, so during these weeks we could focus on the discovered bugs and suggested improvements of the race and breed features.

We know you all wait for the 3D simulation of the game, but no worries our team is already creating the new arenas with different surfaces and colours!

We can’t wait to share with you the next update, where will make available the 3D simulation of the game!⁠

Let’s play!

New Houndrace Trailer is coming soon!

Till then, don’t forget to follow our YouTube channel to see the new leaks first🥁

Social Media

Thank to you guys, our community is constantly growing on Twitter, Tiktok and Instagram, and it doesn’t seem like to stop so if you wish to check the videos head to our SM pages!

We are making constant giveaways, quizzes and contests and we plan some awesome new free merch giveaways for the next weeks as well so stay tuned!

Naming Contest

We are palnning a Houndrace Naming Contest on our Discord , so prepare your secret names for the hounds because you will get rewarded by our team if your ‘hound’s name’ spark our interest!

Stay tuned for our sneak peeks!🏁

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to stay in touch — follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Discord.




Written by Houndrace

NFT Hound Racing game built on the @0xpolygon blockchain. Join our frenly #houndverse today!🚀wuff

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